دیتابیس تصاویر جهت انالیز
Aerial photographs/satellite images. | Can you find your back yard? http://terraserver.microsoft.com |
Astrophotography | Matt BenDaniel, Astrophotographer http://starmatt.com/photographer.html |
Atlas Fotogr�fico OnLine |
Colecciones fotogr�ficas con breves referencias para ayudar a quienes no conocen de estas �reas. Ideal para estudiantes.
Atlas de Hematolog�a On Line Atlas de Parasitolog�a On Line Atlas de Nefrolog�a On Line |
BioImage DataBase | The aim of the BioImage Database project is to provide the general scientific community with a flexible and searchable database of multi-dimensional biological images. www.bioimage.org |
Biometrics | The Biometric Consortium, Research and Databases Face, Fingerprints, Handwriting, Voice www.biometrics.org/html/research.html |
Brodatz Textures | http://www.ux.his.no/~tranden/brodatz.html |
Color & Vision databases | efg's Color Reference Library: Databases |
Color Charts | efg's Color Reference Library: Color Charts |
Computer Vision Test Images | www.cs.cmu.edu/afs/cs/project/cil/ftp/html/v-images.html |
Database of Faces![]() |
AT&T Research Labs, Cambridge, England (formerly Olivetti Research Labs) www.uk.research.att.com/facedatabase.html ftp://ftp.uk.research.att.com/pub/data/orl_faces.zip (~3.7 MB) ftp://ftp.uk.research.att.com/pub/data/orl_faces.tar.Z (~4 MB) See efg's Interactive PGMP5 "viewer" to display PGM files (P5 format) or the command-line utilityConvertFaces to convert PGM files of the Olivetti and Oracle Research Laboratory's Database of Faces (400 images) to BMP or JPG: PortableGrayMap.ZIP Faces of 16 people, 27 of each person under various conditions of illumination, scale, and head orientation. The Yale Face Database (size 6.4MB) contains 165 grayscale images in GIF format of 15 individuals. There are 11 images per subject, one per different facial expression or configuration: center-light, w/glasses, happy, left-light, w/no glasses, normal, right-light, sad, sleepy, surprised, and wink. AR Face Database See also Recognition in Algorithms for Face Recognition Home Page. |
Demo Test Pattern Images | Various test patterns including DisplayMate Master Test Pattern, Color Scales, SMPTE Color Bars, Fine Dot Moire and Gray-Scale Test Pattern at various resolutions including 640 x 480, 800 x 600, and 1024 x 768 www.displaymate.com/patterns.html |
Edmund Optics | Choosing the Correct Testing Target www.edmundoptics.com/techsupport/displayarticle.cfm?articleid=249&search=1 Test Targets |
Grain | Test images about wheat grains, corn, weed seeds, fragments of plants (stem, leaf, etc.), string-pea, barley. http://physics2.kee.hu/baranyai/image.htm |
Image Database | Carnegie Mellon www.ius.cs.cmu.edu/idb |
IMINT Gallery | www.fas.org/irp/imint/index.html |
Infrared Images | Thermology Image Gallery www.thermology.com/infrared.htm |
Ishihara Test Charts | efg's Color Reference Library: Color Blindness |
Kodak | |
Knots | Database of Knots ftp://ftp.ee.oulu.fi/pub/tklab/KNOTS |
LBNL Image Library | Lawrence Berkeley National Lab's Image Library http://www-itg.lbl.gov/ImgLib.project/homepage.html |
Landsat 7 |
Landsat 7 scenes from Greece, Singapure and Israel. Browse and make false color composition with entire set of Landsat images. www.inovagis.org |
Mandrill Monkey ![]() |
efg's Create Mandrill BMP Lab Report efg's Show Image Lab Report |
NASA's Visible Earth | A searchable directory of images, visualizations, and animations of the Earth www.visibleearth.nasa.gov |
NIST Special Databases and Software from the Visual Image Processing Group |
ftp://sequoyah.ncsl.nist.gov/pub/databases/catalog.txt Includes: - Binary Images of Handwritten Segmented Characters - 8-Bit Gray Scale Images of Fingerprint Image Groups OCR, Face/Mug Shot, Fingerprint |
NOAA | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Operational Significant Event Imagery Server. High-resolution, detailed imagery of significant natural or anthropogenic environmental events that which are visible in remotely-sensed data www.osei.noaa.gov/main5.html |
Nyquist Chart | Using a Nyquist Chart to Evaluate Digital Camera Systems Part 1. www.photobit.com/Technology/White_Papers/Using_a_Nyquist_Chart_1/using_a_nyquist_chart_1.htm Part 2. |
Plants | Plants Gallery, U.S. Department of Agriculture http://plants.usda.gov/gallery.html |
Precicion Optimal Imaging, Inc. |
![]() Test Charts Resolution Standards |
Scanner Calibration | Scanner Calibration Targets www.targets.coloraid.de |
SinePatterns, LLC |
PIMA/ISO Camera Resolution Chart |
Skeletal Gene Database |
http://sgd.nia.nih.gov |
SOFA | Sequences for Optical Flow Analysis (synthetic test sequences with full ground truth), Heriot-Watt University www.cee.hw.ac.uk/~mtc/sofa |
Test Card Gallery | BBC Test Cards http://www.meldrum.co.uk/mhp/testcard/bbc_test.html The Television Test Card |
Test Patterns | Practical Handbook on Image Processing for Scientific Applications p. 347-349 |
USC-SIPI Image Database | University of Southern California Signal and Image Processing Institute: The USC-SIPI image database is a collection of digitized images, which is maintained primarily to support research in image processing, image analysis, and machine vision. The first edition of the USC-SIPI image database was distributed in 1977 and many new images have been added since then.
Textures, high altitude aerial images, Lenna, baboon, other favorites, sequences (moving head, fly-overs, moving vehicles). http://sipi.usc.edu/services/database/Database.html |
Visible Human Project![]() |
www.nlm.nih.gov/research/visible |
Vismod Imagery | MIT: http://vismod.www.media.mit.edu/vismod/imagery/imagery.html |
VisTex | Vision Texture (MIT): 100+ reference textures, texture scenes http://www-white.media.mit.edu/vismod/imagery/VisionTexture/vistex.html |